Resolution with Recommendations on national legislation relevant to the peaceful exploration and use of outer space adopted in 4th Committee of General Assembly
On 1 November 2013, the 4th Committee of the General Assembly adopted the Resolution “Recommendations on national legislation relevant to the peaceful exploration and use of outer space” (A/C.4/68/L.2). The Recommendations had been elaborated in the Working Group on National Space Legislation within the Legal Subcommittee of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNCOUPUOS) under the chairmanship of Irmgard Marboe (Austria).
The Legal Subcommittee (LSC) of UNCOPUOS had introduced a new agenda item under a workplan entitled ‘General exchange of information on national legislation relevant for the peaceful exploration and use of outer space’ in 2007. After five years, the Working Group concluded its final report on the work conducted under its multi-year workplan in March 2012. In June 2013 the final text of the Recommendations was adopted by the Main Committee of UNCOPUOS which recommended to adopt it as a separate resolution to the General Assembly.
The final text contains ‘elements for consideration’ for States when enacting regulatory frameworks for national space activities. There are eight ‘elements’ that States could consider when enacting regulatory frameworks for national space activities:
1. Scope of application (definition of space activities targeted by national regulatory frameworks);
2. Ascertainment of national jurisdiction over space activities;
3. Authorisation by a competent national authority;
4. Conditions for authorisation;
5. Ways and means of supervision of space activities;
6. Establishment of a national register of objects launched into outer space;
7. Possible recourse mechanisms and insurance requirements;
8. Transfer of ownership or control of a space object in orbit.
Recommendations on national legislation